Display Inventory

From the menu bar, click Modules > Inventory > Display Inventory or press Alt M I D on the keyboard.

Display Inventory is a powerful search tool that enables you to not only search for inventory by keywords in primary fields but also view specific information on any piece of inventory found meeting the search criteria entered. Retailers with multiple store locations have the option to display inventory at one location only or at all locations.

You have the ability to establish the inventory fields to appear and the order in which they appear when the results of the search are listed. The inventory fields that are displayed for each item and the size of the columns are set up in "Display Inventory Columns" under Inventory Maintenance. The order in which the accessory and serialized inventory items are displayed is established by the system variable 'DisplaySAOrder' and the order in which titles are displayed is established by the system variable 'DisplayTTOrder'. Refer to "System Variables" for more information.